Guide to earning points with everyday purchases
Did you know that you DON’T have to have a travel branded credit card to earn points to travel? Hopefully by now you’ve read why being in a loyalty program is worth it and you are signed up. Let’s get you going on how to earn big miles. (And let’s also put aside picking and using airline-branded credit cards for another time. None of these will require that type of credit card.)
Clearly, you can earn points through traveling but airline carriers have degraded points earned through flying. Most have moved away from “miles” and simple reimbursements based on miles flown. Many of us, especially if you don’t fly frequently for business, don’t travel enough to earn anything worthwhile quickly. But don’t despair, there are a lot of other ways to earn.

Shopping online to earn miles
If you are an online shopper (and you don’t believe in Rakuten) PLEASE DO THIS! It is so simple. First, log into your airline’s points program. Then, follow the shopping or mall link. Next, pick the store you want to shop at and the airline automatically links you to that site. Anything you buy from here earns points that link back to your loyalty account You don’t have to a have a travel-branded card to earn those points. The number of points earned depends on the store. Now you’re earning points on things you would already be buying (and if you ARE using a travel branded card, then you’re earning double the points.)
If you do believe in Rakuten, you can shop through that site and save some money. You can ALSO reserve hotel rooms and other travel purchases for money back on Rakuten. Win win.
Using shopping apps on the go to earn miles
A few airlines have ventured into this area. There are shopping apps on your phone that can be used for brick and mortar purchases as well as online purchases. Want some Chipotle? Buy the gift card on the app and show it to the cashier. Points. Getting some mascara at Ulta? Buy gift card. Points. Let’s hypothetically say I’m a Starbucks addict. I would go through my airline shop app, buy a gift card (those points automatically link to my airline program, done) and transfer my gift card over to my Starbucks account with 3 clicks. You may say I could just save the money on my hypothetical lattes and travel on that. Well, you would be assuming I have a lot more self-control than I hypothetically have! And when I get my lattes and fly to Peru I’ll still feel pretty damn good. Hypothetically. *wink

Earning rewards when dining out
This one is also ridiculously easy. You go into the dining site attributed to your airline’s program (airlines are all using the same dining program company, you just have to pick which airline you want points with). They ask you to store a credit card or debit card number. If you’re not comfortable with this, feel free to skip ahead. You store that card and that is that. Every time you eat or drink at a place that their program partners with, you earn points. You do nothing else except simply pay with the card.
All the restaurants in this program are local chains or stand-alone stores. No Applebees or Buffalo Wild Wings (although many of those are on the gift card apps described above). You can get points anywhere in the world that partners with this program. We go almost every Sunday to a bar to watch my husband’s beloved 49ers (because we don’t live in San Francisco) and every dollar we spend at the place we’ve always gone to is earning points.
Using other travel to earn points
Every airline that would be worth-your-while partners with other travel companies. Rental cars, hotels, Amtrak, cruises. Most of these partnerships often come with coupons and other offers as well. You don’t always get to double dip; you often will only earn airline points for a purchase versus airline points and the points with the hotel brand for example. BUT, flights are often the priciest and least flexible part of a trip, so it’s good to bank these first.
Airlines also have airline buddies. The real trick here is you earn with a standard national airline and then when it is time to use those points, you switch them over to one of the swank international carriers who include a hot tub with your airline seat. Some have better conversion rates than others, so let me know if you want to try that and I can break it down for you!

Points for free with surveys
Almost all of the above require you to spend money. There is no money spent with surveys but it does require time. Programs such as eRewards allow you to earn points on surveys and then pick whichever airline you want or buy gift cards for your favorite stores. Points earned vary on the length of the survey. There is are introductory questions to see if you match the survey; answering these will give you a small amount of points. If you qualify, the reward is much larger. By filling out a profile throughly they will try to tailor consumer surveys that fit best for you. When I was short on cash, this was the only way I earned points. It took a long time, but it finally paid off.
Points for everything else
You’re starting to get the hang of this. You can earn points by doing taxes, by going to Broadway, buying flowers, getting a mortgage, buying a car, donating to charity, buying wine, buying chocolate, paying for electricity…..etc. Moral of the story: If you are comfortable with the use of plastic, any plastic, for paying then there are SO many ways you can earn mileage on everyday purchases. Work your purchases. Earn. Hustle the programs so that every time you buy or go out you’re thinking briefly about if you can earn miles.

Before you know it, you’ll be headed to that place that always was a “someday” experience. Maybe you’ll even be in the first-class lounge with those points, sipping premium drinks before your three-course meal in flight. And then getting your foo-foo latte. Hypothetically.
May the road rise to meet you, travelers, and may your “somedays” happen soon.
(Second in series: Maximizing Travel with Points- check out how to get the right card for you.)