Travel Your Bucket is committed to helping all of us “everyday” people live our “someday” experiences. TYB believes that exploration, adventure, and connection are crucial parts of wellness. To TYB readers, bucket lists are not just destinations to be recorded and checked off; they are deeper encounters that stir up wonder and awe in our lives. We are interested in culture, authenticity, and sustainability. I’m passionate about helping others find and create these moments. So, I am always on the look-out for new experiences, products, and services that help TYB’s readers travel their bucket lists and live their dreams!
I will bring the experience of a published travel writer as well as the background and “people” insight of a mental health clinician. I produce timely, quality work that is both informative and engaging. While I specialize in travel wellness and cultural connection, the sky is the limit with possibilities as I do love the research and planning! I also provide high quality images and strategic engagement throughout my media.
I’m open to partnering with like-minded brands through any of the following avenues and am always open to ideas!
- sponsored posts
- social media campaigns
- guest posts
- sponsored destination visits and experiences
- event coverage
Thank you for considering Travel Your Bucket!
~ Rebecca