Rebecca Toy ~ Freelance Travel Writer. Mental Health Therapist. Unrepentant culture obsessive. Published with Wine Enthusiast, Fodor’s, and Matador Network. Forever searching in pockets for my passport. Just an Average Jane who decided my bucket list could no longer wait.
Life is its own journey and my path (and this blog’s) has been meandering. Once upon a time I put journalism to the side and got my masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. It took me through courts, rural Kansas homes, outpatient health centers, a residential facility for at-risk youth, and then back to outpatient. Travel went from being something I simply enjoyed to something that recharged my battery and cleaned my mind. It’s a necessity.
After 15 years of helping children and families recover from trauma I needed my own healing. The result of that revelation is the post Roads from Rome and was the birth of this blog. Making sense of the world and sharing the ways I’ve traveled with meager funds became another calling. I kept traveling, including solo for the first time and living a lifelong dream of hiking in the Himalayas. I also found my way back to journalism, telling stories both through this blog as well as Wine Enthusiast, Fodor’s and Matador Network.
Nowadays I’m still seeing some clients and still finding fun and challenging adventures. I’m constantly learning about travel, wellness, and now tech! But one thing stays the same. I still find nothing cleans the soul better than packing a bag and experiencing something new. So while I’m often buried in a book or squinting over a keyboard, there is always a trip on the horizon. And I’m always here to help you with the same.
May the road rise to meet you, travelers, and may you always find your path.
~ Rebecca